



一、蓝白剑条的来源:阿根廷国旗 阿根廷国旗自1818年起采用,从上而下由天蓝、白、天蓝三个相等的平行长方形组成,白色中间是一个“五月的太阳”。 天蓝色和白色,是布宜诺斯艾利斯人民反抗殖民军的标志,天蓝色象征正义,白色象征信念、纯洁、正直和高尚,“五月的太阳”象征自由和黎明。



Missing Gun inside the rocket could be considered Big News Beijing on June 8 after retiring from a game and the Rockets fans have been very miss him. So far, the Rockets are still looking for the right person inside replacement, also suffer from that year is always a game and no one connected to the vacancy left. Last summer, the Rockets have to consider the introduction of magic inside Malsin - Gortat, as a game and a new successor, but Gortat ultimately decided to stay in the old club, so Morey's plan down the drain. Then, Morey rushed from the stadium in Europe to introduce David - Anderson, but after a test of the season, Anderson had the wind the ball soft, has proved unbearable Dayong. Thus, a game and find new, still top priority for this program Xia Molei signings. From its present form, a game and the type of players, generally with three baseline conditions: first, to be able to rebound and play defense, energy blocks; Second, can veteran, without playing too much time, but the key moment of a certain To play a stabilizing role of morale; Third, the team spent too much money unnecessarily. The man in the three conditions above, Houston, the media will make the corresponding replacement, that is still in Detroit this season, the effectiveness of the former NBA Defensive Player - Wallace. Yes, physical condition and athletic ability from speaking, today's Big wounded and sick, strength really has gone down, but a pure engineering intimidating defensive measure, he still has not lost its tough. This season, Big 69 appearances for the Pistons, averaging 5.5 points and 8.7 rebounds there is also a contribution to 2000,Kobe Bryant Jersey finish his revenge, the second largest in the history of the shortest players cap, and another 1.2 blocks accounted for. If 36 minutes per game the efficiency of value, volumes in rebounds, blocked shots, respectively reach 10.9 times and 1.5. The presence of a Big time, the Pistons were losing a field presence of less than without him nearly 7 points, shows his special skill charm still exist. Big Ben, although not a game and the height advantage, but his tenacious style, playing professional, two can be described as quite similar to the professional spirit. The time of a game and came to Houston 38 years old, today's Big Ben is also under 36 years old, from the age point of view, which undoubtedly has a dominant position. On the rocket, if an olive branch at this time to give Big Ben is clearly the best opportunity to meet. Because the body is not strong in the strength of the piston, combined with injuries repeatedly tortured, Big Ben has already revealed the idea of retiring to. This summer, Big as a freelance, the U.S. media have predicted that the next if no suitable home, Big Ben is likely to end his career early. However, a few days ago, the piston top Daoshi Fangchuhualai, they want Big rejoin play one more year. Only, and compared with the Pistons, Rockets will inevitably be more attractive. Came off the city, and perhaps only step down into the Big "role players", but in this young team, he can give full play to a veteran of the spare, and then,Nfl Replica Jersey, like a game and a "locker room leader." Big no effort to play too many games to save energy can be nursed back to health injury, and then he was also a game and as long as needed when he played close fight, you can make every effort to show up the defensive end. Moreover, once Big Rockets might also associated gain a pleasant surprise. Big and North Carolina to be selected rookie ED. Davis, very close relationship, which his father Terry - Davis, and Big Ben has done his teammates, while younger ED. Davis had been affectionately called Big Ben is his uncle. The draft is now looking to market, ED. Davis was a great top ten overall trend of the election to go, but do not rule out the possibility fell to 10-15, while the rocket is held on the 14th sign bit, of course, is one candidate. ED. Davis is the University of North Carolina this year, the traditional elite's main post player, height 2 m 08, weight 102 kg, although the body is slightly thinner,Replica Nfl Jersey, but with basketball IQ than most people, offensive to rich, soft shooting touch, and there is a Video search results for a competitor, there are some blocks and rebounding ability. The professional draft in the United States DRAFTEXPRESS comprehensive ranking of the site, Davis and the development potential of the overall capacity of all the candidates this year, the second highest in the second year students. If the Rockets get Big at the same time,Football Jerseys, but also attract ED. Davis, does it mean good things a double-edged sword.

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英文名:Ariel Garce

外文全名:Ariel Hernán Garcé


















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