
问题1:欧美电影 一个小女孩瞒着妈妈去找爸爸 小女孩是跳芭蕾的 爸爸是著名的球星



英文片名:The Game Plan








中文片名 超级杯奶爸

外文片名 The Game Plan

类型 悬念

导演 安迪·菲克曼

主演 强森、凯拉·赛德维克、曼蒂森·佩蒂斯、莫里斯·切斯拉特、萝斯琳·桑切斯

国家或地区 美国

发行公司 迪斯尼

首映日期 2007-09-28

片长 96分钟

MPAA评级 PG(部分不适合儿童观看)

语言 英语




猫王的Burning Love.

Lord Almighty,

I feel my temperature rising

Higher higher

It's burning through to my soul

Girl, girl, girl

You gonna set me on fire

My brain is flaming

I don't know which way to go

Your kisses lift me higher

Like the sweet song of a choir

You light my morning sky

Burning love

Ooh, ooh, ooh,

I feel my temperature rising

Help me, I'm flaming

I must be a hundred and nine

Burning, burning, burning

And nothing can cool me

I just might turn into smoke

But I feel fine

'Cause your kisses lift me higher

Like a sweet song of a choir

And you light my morning sky

Burning love

It's coming closer

The flames are reaching my body

Won't you help me

I feel like I'm slipping away

It's hard to breath

My chest is a-heaving

Lord Almighty,

I'm burning a hole where I lay

Yur kisses lift me higher

Like a sweet song of a choir

You light my morning sky

Burning love

Burning love

Ah, ah, burning love

I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love

Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love

A hunk, a hunk of burning love

A hunk, a hunk of burning love

A hunk, a hunk of burning love

Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love


The story is about a selfish star quarterback who plays for the Boston Rebels NFL team. (Ah, if only it were so). He has a fabulous bachelor pad and a bulldog. He adores Elvis and has adopted his nickname, calling himself Joe "The King" Kingman. A wee eight year-old girl shows up on his doorstep and says she is his daughter. This throws him off balance to say the least.

The Rock plays the part very well. I heard a LOT of sniffles during emotional parts. The little girl who plays his daughter is adorable.

This film was very good. A great family movie with the only purpose of entertaining people with that unique touch that only Disney can give. It has a very simple yet enjoyable story about a famous football player who's life is all about football, parties, women and his dog apparently a very good life but also a very lonely one when someday a girl appears at his door telling that he is her dad and there's where he must learn how to be a parent and at the same time to live. The cast is good. The Rock proves that he is more than an action hero, he also can do comedy in a very good way, the little girl Madison Pettis is so cute and his acting is great, she looks very natural. Roselyn Sanchez delivers a good supporting role as the girl's ballet teacher and Kyra Sedgwick although it was a short performance it was also very convincing. In conclusion, a very good family that you will enjoy

I highly recommend.


We saw this tonight. It was wonderful. My husband took one look at all the little girls seated in the theater and said, "Did you choose the right movie" But he laughed from start to finish, as did all the other men in the theater.

The story is about a selfish star quarterback who plays for the Boston Rebels NFL team. (Ah, if only it were so). He has a fabulous bachelor pad and a bulldog. He adores Elvis and has adopted his nickname, calling himself Joe "The King" Kingman. A wee eight year-old girl shows up on his doorstep and says she is his daughter. This throws him off balance to say the least.

The Rock plays the part very well. I heard a LOT of sniffles during emotional parts. The little girl who plays his daughter is adorable.

This film was very good. A great family movie with the only purpose of entertaining people with that unique touch that only Disney can give. It has a very simple yet enjoyable story about a famous football player who's life is all about football, parties, women and his dog apparently a very good life but also a very lonely one when someday a girl appears at his door telling that he is her dad and there's where he must learn how to be a parent and at the same time to live. The cast is good. The Rock proves that he is more than an action hero, he also can do comedy in a very good way, the little girl Madison Pettis is so cute and his acting is great, she looks very natural. Roselyn Sanchez delivers a good supporting role as the girl's ballet teacher and Kyra Sedgwick although it was a short performance it was also very convincing. In conclusion, a very good family that you will enjoy

I highly recommend.


女, 生于1998年 7月22日 ,美国得克萨斯州阿灵顿

星座: 巨蟹座



迪士尼热门儿童电视剧《柯瑞当家》的小童星麦迪森·佩蒂丝1998年出生在美国得克萨斯州的阿灵顿市,父亲是非裔美国人,母亲来自墨西哥。佩蒂丝四岁开始学习舞蹈,五岁赢得一本儿童杂志的方面模特选秀比赛而被达拉斯的模特经纪公司签下,由此进入了儿童模特界。在一次客串迪斯尼儿童剧集《天才魔女》的经历的激发下,麦迪森·佩蒂丝进入表演学校系统的学习表演。七岁和母亲搬家到了洛衫机后她陆续客串了多部电视剧,包括热门科幻剧《4400》中Isabelle Tyler一角的童年时代等,并凭借2007年初开播的迪士尼情景喜剧《柯瑞当家》中总统女儿的角色而一举成名,此外她也在迪士尼的家庭喜剧片《比赛计划》中饰演了男主角The Rock人小鬼大的女儿,该片上映后联系两周占据了票房榜的头名
